Kidney Disease           Education if:

- Chronic kidney disease (CKD), or

- Excess urine protein, or

- Want to prevent CKD, or

- At risk for CKD due to obesity, diabetes, high BP, prior heart attack, stroke, PAD, prior acute kidney injury, stones,          family with CKD, etc



Our credentials

All Aloha Kidney classes and telephonic CKD navigation are provided by a retired kidney specialist (nephrologist). 

CKD Navigation - by experienced MD for:

  • Patients
  • Doctors
  • MD office staff
  • Hospital discharge planners
  • Dialysis units

Matt Boranian, a Kona local, offered to share his story in hopes of helping others understand the challenges of CKD as a young adult, obstacles encountered living on a neighbor isle, and the insights and strength gained from his experiences.  He transitioned through kidney failure by receiving a pre-emptive kidney transplant from his brother.  .

Laurie Lum, an O'ahu resident has attended Aloha Kidney classes when diagnosed with CKD, later developing kidney failure requiring dialysis.  Her efforts to perform home peritoneal dialysis failed.  She underwent in center hemodialysis until receiving a living donor kidney from person she never met, who heard of her kidney failure through facebook!  

Mel Lum,  Laurie's husband and support person through her roller coaster experience with kidney failure also provides a caregiver's perspective and journey.  CKD affects not only you, but those who love you, and being a support person has its own unique challenges.  

5 of our Inspirational Volunteers who share their journeys

Wendy Reeves, an O'ahu and now Big Isle local who has been a loyal, committed, articulate volunteer at every Choices class for years.  She shares her journey with CKD, acute kidney failure, transition to peritoneal dialysis, and her life now after a kidney transplant from her sister, for the benefit of all present.

Moira Chin MSW, retired from the Judiciary, State of Hawaii, now shares her time, heart and energy in answering your calls to Aloha Kidney.  She was looking for 2 years for an organization that felt aligned with her intent to volunteer, and we are sooo grateful she decided on Aloha Kidney! 

Kats Anderson, a Maui resident, mother of 2, was called by God to share her kidney with a person on dialysis whom she did not know previously.  Come listen to her experience as an altruistic kidney donor, the challenges and rewards of giving the gift of life.  

Scroll down each page for full information 

You can view class recordings at your convenience through this website whenever you enroll (see Enroll tab) and receive the current passcodes. If your passcodes for the last series expired, just re-enroll in the current series.

The classes were recorded summer of 2020.  Updates will be shared in the 6 Saturday Q/A sessions scheduled 3 times/year (see 2024 Update + Q/A tab)

There are no attendance requirements or expectations from us.  Easiest to check out class #1 and see if this information/format is useful for you and/or your loved ones, then go from there.







Aloha Kidney . . . . . aloha life!   

Renee Masuyama RN, a longtime hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis nurse in Hilo generously volunteers to facilitate web-based Aloha Kidney classes in Hilo.  She is an invaluable, knowledgeable, caring and experienced resource for those with CKD living on the Big Island.

Ramona Wong MD, a Honolulu nephrologist who created Aloha Kidney and retired her practice to provide experienced, unbiased, no cost education as a public health outreach effort for those in Hawaii and beyond, who are interested in kidney health, at risk for, or have Chronic Kidney Disease.

Sherry Languille RN, a longtime hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis nurse, who generously volunteers to facilitate web-based Aloha Kidney classes in Maui.  She is an invaluable caring, knowledgeable and experienced resource for those with CKD living on the island of Maui.

Our team of health care volunteers

Your understanding is our goal

Since you are the one that decides what to eat, do, think and feel, you are a co-creator of your bodily existence.

Understanding the rules of the body allows you to mindfully nudge yourself towards health or nudge yourself towards chronic disease. Many have developed chronic diseases like obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic kidney disease (CKD), stroke, or circulation problems to their limbs due to not fully understanding and embracing the bodily impact of their daily choices. 

It's never too early or too late to learn.  There's so much of your body, health and life to enjoy, appreciate and nurture. Come learn together with us how to live each moment fully ever after!  We offer a series of 6 weekly classes to help you understand.  Click on the red "Aloha Kidney brochure" button above or click on the "Class topics" tab to explore the topics we cover in each class.

To enroll in the series, submit the form on the "Enroll" tab.  If kidney function is already very low, click on the "Options" tab to learn about all options if kidneys fail.


Welcome to Aloha Kidney