- Chronic kidney disease (CKD), or
- Excess urine protein, or
- Want to prevent CKD, or
- At risk for CKD due to obesity, diabetes, high BP, prior heart attack, stroke, PAD, prior acute kidney injury, stones, family with CKD, etc
All Aloha Kidney classes and telephonic CKD navigation are provided by a retired kidney specialist (nephrologist).
I just want you to know how much we are enjoying your classes. I can tell you they are life changing for each of us. After each one I tell sooo many folks about the content and how you weave body-mind-spirit and science in a profound yet down to earth way. I told our minister that every Thursday I feel like I've been to church so she's intrigued. In my grandson's therapy session I reminded him he heard you say that chronic stress is a choice and we talked about that for a while. I could go on and on.
Hilo 9/2018
Thank you very much for your time, patience and generosity. I have learned from your classes and realized that making changes in my life shyle is not that difficult and that stress is caused by myself. I have the power now to make choices! I have a new perspective on life and will strive to make choices that will benefit myself as well as my family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Pali Momi 9/2018
I am forever grateful that you are so willing to give up your time to educate so many of us, especially since you are also a caregiver. Thank you for your time and knowledge.
Pali Momi 9/2018
I thought I would be bored out of my mind but Dr. Wong made the classes very interesting and kind of fun.
HMSA 9/2018
These classes opened my mind a bit more and makes me want to seriously think about how I want to better my life with this disease. Your presentation and humor makes for an enjoyable class. I like that you included informative tips on how to read lab results, the importance of nutritional facts and personal techniques on cooking and preparing healthful food to be tasteful.
HMSA 9/2018
I got so much more than I expected, greater understanding of CKD and overall health. It is such an important series of classes for all with CKD, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, any chronic health condition, or anyone who doesn't want to get a chronic health condition!
HMSA 9/2018
This information has changed my outlook of CKD. More knowledge has made me stronger!
HMSA 9/2018
Very great source of information. Too bad it is not known when patients are first diagnosed with diabetes. There is hope and you answered a lot of questions I've always had. Most doctors don't go into details about lab reports. Classes should be held for newly diagnosed diabetics and/or as health management class as it has a wealth of information.
HMSA 9/2018
I heard that your classes would be fun and helpful from my own internist. Fortunately I don't have diabetes or kidney issues but have been the one going to /signing up classes with my husband for 20 years. During the past 2 yrs, I've stopped joining him because he's so dependent and not as attentive. I'm glad he loved your class. Hopeful now about seeing more changes in his attitude.
HMSA 9/2018
I am more knowledgeable now, not scared of what's happening with my kidneys, have less stress with greater knowledge. So interesting to find out how your body and kidneys work. This class or something like it should be taught to younger people so they know the damage a bad diet or lack of exercise does to you in later life. It's good to know we can choose to have an occasional treat. Also good to know about dialysis. I thought I would rather not be here if/when that happens. Not so now.
Pali Momi 9/2018
We have made lifestyle changes after attending these classes!
Pali Momi 9/2018
I was not aware of a lot of things CKD. I was here for my Mom but learned how to take care of myself and family. We are switching to more plant based diet, more sleep and exercise. So many people have CKD. Our local culture eating habits, salty foods, and lack of exercise needs to change. Mahalo Dr. Wong. Keep up this program!!
Pali Momi 9/2018
Mahalo nui for a really great series of classes. I/we have learned quite a lot from the presentations. We both owe you a debt of gratitude for your non-judgmental style and positive attitude/outlook. Your words do have meaning. Aloha.
Pali Momi 9/2018
By empowering me with choices and options, I am now changing eating habits to eat more healthy foods, walk and exercise and remain active. I found all lectures valuable and informative and interesting. It was a blessing to receive this valuable information from someone with practical and trustworthy experiences (Ramona Wong). I am going to advertise these lectures for healthy people to take, well in advance of CKD. The presentations were excellent.
Castle 5/2018
After learning about all my options, I've decided to go naturally, forego dialysis. You have done a terrific job of educating me regarding kidney function and malfunction. Excellent presentation regarding the end of life option for kidney failure, without pressure or judgment. Health care directive now done. Great community service Dr. Wong!
Castle 5/2018
I got far more than I expected from these classes. The endorsing doctor did not give nearly a strong enough pitch. I had no perspectives on CKD. My doctor gave lab readings to me but they meant nothing. This course is great! But it is many hours. Until you get some info, you do not know how much you don't know, need or want to know, have not learned. Recommend a short online video that hits just the high points. It should be a call to action, the action being taking the full course.
Castle 5/2018
I am now more conscious of my diet, overall health and goals. Class caused me to really focus on this, through the lectures and the notes. I recommend Aloha Kidney to people without CKD!!!! There was ample time to ask questions. Dr. Wong has a wonderful way of caring for her class members - very approachable, honest, and has a terrific sense of humor!
Castle 1/2018
Aloha Kidney made me more aware of how every organ is intertwined in the entire body system. I thank my PCP for referring to this class. I can read my lab report with understanding now, instead of ust looking at the numbers, reference ranges and high/low indicators. Food portions will be more seriously considered. Thank you for emphasizing the importance of being active. I'll continue at the gym.
Castle 1/2018
I was greatly impressed with the material and presentations. Change nothing. Excellent information, very helpful. When given the diagnosis of CKD I was petrified. I read as much as I could find. But only after these classes, am I hopeful that I can slow progression and understand how I can do it. Excellent "non-doctor" speaker. Never change this element. I'll retake this class series again next year.
Castle 1/2018
No cost classes taught by a retired kidney specialist. Scroll down to read about us.
Your understanding is our goal.
Helping in wonderful ways, in alphabetic order:
Castle Wellness Center
Hawaii Pacific Health
Mountain Pacific Quality Health
Na Pu'uwai Native Hawaiian Health Center
Organ Transplant Maui
Queen's Clinically Integrated Physician's Network
Renee Masuyama, RN
Sher Languille, RN
UHA Health Insurance
University of Hawaii TASI program
Wai'anae Coast Comprehensive Health Clinic
Wilcox Medical Center
I have learned more about the function of the kidneys and it is very important to take good care of this organ. What I have learned in these classes will help me to work closely with my doctors, dietitian and also my wife. It is my hope to see that this series will continue because there are many people with CKD who can gain a wealth of information like I received. Question and answer period is great. Thank you.
Pali Momi 9/2018
We received lots of valuable information. This should be mandatory for all CKD patients. Class helped to inform us so we know what questions to ask. Our doctors are treating the symptoms, not so much time devoted to educating us patients. I truly believe that if we hadn't come to class and seek a dietitian that our doctor let you recommend, my husband would already be on dialysis. Thank you for educating us on how to buy precious time.
Castle 9/2018
This is an in depth informational series of classes. It really opened my eyes about CKD. It helped my outlook on CKD. Taking care of ourselves involves always being able to make our own decisions. It helped with my diet choices.
Castle 9/2018
I appreciate the emphasis on being able to make personal choices and addressing the end of life issues. Dr. Wong, you are the perfect facilitator for this class Easy to understand, without the condescending tone of some physicians, very engaging and personal. Thank you.
Castle 9/2018
Everything was shared in a way that was easy to understand. It has made me realize what I am dealing with and empowers me to make choices.
Castle 9/2018
I will encourage others with CKD to take classes. Eating habits will be changed to prolong the life of my kidneys. These classes provided me with insight about CKD and the importance of my choices I make NOW to prolong the life of my kidneys. Thank you so much for the handouts. It is really helpful.
Castle 9/2018
I learned even more than I expected. I love the emphasis on prevention. It helped me to take my diet seriously, to understand how significant CKD is and how having CKd can shorten and change my life.
Absolutely amazing classes by a very professional and knowledgeable doctor. Thank you so much for inspiring me to be more healthy. I'm going to share this with my family. The class was thorough, relevant and well presented. God bless you for what you do, Dr. Wong!
Castle 9/2018
For me, this was truly eye opening. It has and will make me a more informed consumer of medical information. I'll be able to ask and understand what we are discussing (Dr. and me) without feeling like I am playing catch up or am dumb.
You were easy to listen to and the information was eye opening to me .. . a little scary at first. I wish you had a "grad" course (refresher) to help me remember some of the information I may have missed the first time around. I wish there was some way you could tell students in school about the info you share - to save more kidneys and prevent or diminish CKD for them. I also wish the health insurance company CEO's and decision makers could attend these classes to see the value you offer.
Castle 9/2018
I learned more than I expected about total health and fitness. After these classes, I am more determined to live a healthy lifestyle. Presentations are very well organized, helps non-medical people to understand the subject. Dr. R. Wong's subject matter expertise is exceptional.
Castle 9/2018
My understanding of CKD and kidney functions are much more comprehensive than it was 6 weeks ago. I have learned how to maintain, preserve what I have as long as possible. I have learned of the choices available to me if or when kidney failure comes.
Ramona, thank you for your concern and dedication in helping me/us learn and understand about CKD. You truly are a wonderful teacher! Your classes are interesting! Your character shines through your teaching method. You speak your knowledge (as a doctor) in laymen's terms to help us understand. . . not "high maka maka". Your sincere, positive, caring, kind nature shines through. You have helped to give us understanding and hope in the most positive way. Thank you for all that you have done for me/us!
Castle 9/2018
These classes were more detailed than expected. Made me more aware of reading the ingredient labels of food. Wash hands for 20 seconds! May want to reduce classes to 90 min., reduce medical details. Handouts are excellent. Great classes! We enjoyed it.
Castle 9/2018
I had no expectations and was very impressed with all the valuable info! Fascinated by how body functions and how food affects its function. Amazing kidneys! Didn't know how they worked! Very thorough and informative, interesting and enjoyable. Enjoyed Dr. Wong's energetic, upbeat presentation and her positive outlook on taking responsibility for own decisions and facing consequences of our choices, knowing different outcomes/consequences - great! Very good visuals and handouts; sometimes too detailed, but would't necessarily cut anything out. Learned so much - thank you! thank you!
Castle 9/2018
The Options and Choices classes were most beneficial to me, my GFR is already 9. Maybe less technical and more life experiences if I had any suggestions. Was good to hear volunteers' experiences through kidney failure on different types of dialysis and after kidney transplant.
HMSA 5/2018
Suggest that some of your classes be included in diabetes education so patients can understand the immediate effects of their disease on the kidney. Diabetes classes I attended only rattle off the list of organs diabetes can affect - eyes, kidneys, heart, limbs - not explaining or showing how organs can be damaged permanently. Now after taking classes, I understand more and am no longer terrified of the future.
Pali Momi 5/2018
Classes helped me and will continue to help me lead a healthy life for as long as I maintain a healthy body. "Life is precious". CKD need not be a deterrent. I will live my best life until my last day on Earth. An awesome speaker. Held everyone's attention. Continue as you have been doing throughout your classes. Very much appreciated. Mahalo and aloha
Pali Momi 5/2018
We didn't know what to expect out of these classes. But we are happy that we came to get educated and the valuable information shared. These classes have change our perspectives . . . there are options, hope, better understanding of how to live best with CKD. Although we did not hae a chance to "prepare" because unexpectedly my husband was admitted into the hospital for cellulitis, then diagnosed with kidney failure, needed a catheter put in to start hemodialysis urgently, we now know and understand how to navigate through CKD and kidney failure with dialysis. We understand the choices we have to fulfill his/our life's goals. It's a long road ahead, next week fistula surgery, then 2 heart stents needed, but we're taking one day at a time. Mahalo for the education and experience.
Pali Momi 5/2018
Aloha Kidney made us aware of what's down the road and what we can expect. Excellent class - handouts and overhead presentation very helpful. Last class with life experiences through kidney failure was enlightening. After classes, my husband got the patches and will hopefully quit smoking.
Pali Momi 5/2018
The information was exactly what I needed to help care for my mother (and myself). It has helped me to be less fearful of what was mostly unknown before. I've gained so much understanding of what is happening to my mom and how best I can support her. Also helped me to relax a little in trying to enforce her restricted diet. I wish our doctors had given us this information.
Each class was perfect. The topics were so appropriate and the info presented so that we could understand. Enough time allowed for questions/clarification.
Thank you so much for offering this. It has been the most wonderful educational opportunity I have had since caring for my mother. You are so awesome!
Pali Momi 5/2018
Having attended only the last 2 classes, Dr. Wong has provided overwhelmin information greatly needed for anyone interested in kidney health, CKD or dialysis. As a medical student, and a young adult, early exposure to Aloha Kidney will help me make healthy choices for the rest of my life. Thank you!
Pali Momi 5/2018
I learned a great deal more than expected. I now know how vital an organ my kidneys are and how daily life and choices like diet, exercise, stress, are critical. The handouts and slides helped to follow the presentations and information we learned. Dr Ramona is extremely knowledgeable, non-threatening, sensitive and I loved her interjection of humor. Thank you for enlightening so many people about CKD.
Pali Momi 5/2018
I realize now it's up to me to reach my goals. Enjoyed the classes.
Pali Momi 5/2018
Learned more than ever. Be aware and take care of body. "Speechless" these classes are my "gain". You made me very comfortable. Very open to questions. Very well prepared. Awesome speaker. Paper handout great.
Pali Momi 5/2018
I'm not sure what I expected but I was impressed with the amount of information and the quality of info. I used to think I was going to be ok no matter what with CKD, but the seriousness of having to attend these sessions was a wake up call. I learned so much, I've begun to share what I learned with others. Because kidney lose function as we age, everyone should be required to come to these classes, not wait until we absolutely need it!
Pali Momi 5/2018
I'm now being more careful about what I eat - smaller portions of meat - more veggies and fruit. Need to be careful to avoid too low blood pressure. Loved the jokes - the "unserious" talks - coupled with the details and power point presentations, the handouts.
Pali Momi 5/2018
Classes made us more aware of changes we want to make, especially with diet and physical activity. For us, to look forward to classes each week, means that delivery and content were excellent. It made us WANT to come. We actually looked forward to the classes. I will never forget "bubbles" and that we are all going to face death one day. Our choices can determine how and how fast we get there. I think my husband and I are better equipped to deal with his CKD. Thank you so much! Aloha!
Pali Momi 5/2018
I really focus now on things I eat and how much I eat and I also started to do daily exercise. Thank you so much for explaining lab reports. Now I'll get to ask questions with my doctors and understand them. My current weight went from 214 to 205 lbs during the 6 week class series. Thank you very much for taking time out of your schedule to be here for us the past 6 weeks and God bless you.
Pali Momi 5/2018
Most people never think about their kidneys until there is a problem. Most people don't know what their kidneys do, what happens if they fail, or how they affect the health of their heart, brain, circulation and immune systems.
So when your doctor says you are at risk for, or have chronic kidney disease (CKD), you may not know what that means or what to do to live best with CKD.
Understanding CKD will allow you to work better with your doctor, family and friends in order to reach your goals.
Your understanding is our goal.
We do not provide nephrology care or medical management.