- Chronic kidney disease (CKD), or
- Excess urine protein, or
- Want to prevent CKD, or
- At risk for CKD due to obesity, diabetes, high BP, prior heart attack, stroke, PAD, prior acute kidney injury, stones, family with CKD, etc
All Aloha Kidney classes and telephonic CKD navigation are provided by a retired kidney specialist (nephrologist).
Scroll down to click on links and handouts to classes 1-5, after enrolling to obtain passcodes
1. Your Kidneys and You
Learn what healthy kidneys do, why and what happens if kidneys fail, and begin to learn how you can better care for yourself and your kidneys.
2. Aloha Kidney
Learn how to prevent, protect and slow the damage to your kidneys. Recognize choices you make every day that may help or hurt your remaining kidney function.
3. Kidney, Heart and Brain Connection
Your risk for kidney failure, heart failure, heart attack, stroke, gangrene and even death, are higher if you have CKD. Learn why and what you can do about it.
4. Food, Drink, Labs, Meds - Help!
Find out what those lab tests mean, why and which food or drink might cause problems for those with CKD and why medications may be prescribed especially if food and drink is not aligned with your kidney function.
5. Options if Kidneys Fail
Once you know your life goals, understand CKD and learn all the options for possible health transitions ahead, then you and your doctor can work on the best path for you. We explain each option and how to prepare ahead to help smooth the journey, no matter which path you choose.
6. Choices and Sharing
Others who have CKD volunteer to share their journey through kidney failure, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, transplantation and natural life.
Access to Class 6 videos will be emailed to enrollees during week 6 of the scheduled series.
The journey with CKD does not need to be confusing, frustrating or scary if you have someone to call when you feel lost or stuck.
As CKD navigators, we can explain the next step or connect you with community resources to help you stay on the path that you and your doctor have chosen. Each one of us has more than a decade of healthcare experience in caring for those with CKD, kidney failure, on dialysis, through kidney transplantation and/or natural life. We are passionate about helping you reach your goals in life.