Kidney Disease           Education if:

- Chronic kidney disease (CKD), or

- Excess urine protein, or

- Want to prevent CKD, or

- At risk for CKD due to obesity, diabetes, high BP, prior heart attack, stroke, PAD, prior acute kidney injury, stones,          family with CKD, etc



Our credentials

All Aloha Kidney classes and telephonic CKD navigation are provided by a retired kidney specialist (nephrologist). 

I came with my husband and found this one of the most useful of learning experiences.  Should be made available to lots of folks as a preventive measure.  Mahalo. Mahalo. Mahalo.

Hilo 2/2017

The classes helped to give me more commitment to watching my habits without being fanatical.  I think the combination of live web presentation together with written/printed takeaway materials is excellent.  It's hard to say how to improve this format.  Many can benefit from these classes besides CKD patients.  Very informative and yet Dr Wong gets the ideas across with respect for differences and their own sense of independence.  

Hilo 2/2017

Dear Dr. Wong,  

Few people have affected me in the manner that you did.  You are REAL.  You are not pretentious - a trait that I appreciate and admire.  Your positive outlook on life offers hope for people like me.  You gave me the freedom to be me.  From your classes you opened a lot of doors for me - taking me out from a dark place into the light.  You taught me how to help myself.  When I was at the Rehab Hospital of the Pacific, I met people who were on dialysis.  From the pictures you showed us, I have a visual picture of what these people go though.  I learned from you that I don't have to go there.  I have my options and I plan to use the tools you gave me to help myself.  To me, your attitude is terrific.  You are an outstanding instructor as well as a mentor.  You know your material and if you do not know the answer to a question,  you always make referrals to people whom you think can help.  

You put into action things I learned from a Buddhist Bishop years ago.  She told me, "A real smart person does not put their nose in the air.  A not-so-smart person does."  Another thing she said, "If a person is smart, the more you talk, the better it get.  If the person is not smart, the more you talk the worse it gets."  You have all the ear marks of a very intelligent person.  I am glad to have the privilege of meeting you.  Mahalo!

Queens 2/2017

Definitely wish I'd taken these classes sooner.  Understanding of CKD is an eyeopener. Beginning to understand lab tests was especially helpful.  Most valuable is learning there are several options in addition to hemodialysis.  I always thought, as many other friends do, that hemodialysis at a dialysis center was the only option for kidney failure.  This is my second round and will probably be back for another to help my senior mind grasp and digest the info.  Each round has opened my understanding more. Personally, I would like more on the many other things that affect the kidneys - more on meds, foods, dental care, meds used by dentist, etc.  Please continue teaching us how to talk/relate/communicate with our doctors.  Get doctors to suggest strongly to their pre-diabetic patients to take this series.

Queens 2/2017

My father has CKD and is diabetic and I have learned so much from these classes.  You have made the classes so enjoyable, explaining in a way we can understand.  I now understand all the different options and learned how to best live with CKD.  It is my responsibility to set goals and make choices based on what I want out of life.  I am in control of my health.  

Pali Momi 3/2017

I am not as afraid of CKD anymore.  I know I can learn to control aspects of the disease with diet, medication and consulting with my doctor.  I feel more in control and more able to make informed decisions if I have to.  Thank you for these great classes. I learned a lot!  Dr. Wong is a great teacher - organized, knowledgeable, and well attuned to local patients.  I appreciate her willingness to answer questions, her extraordinary expertise, and most of all, her ability to demystify a very complex issue. CKD is a scary diagnosis but Dr. Wong's empathy and professionalism have given me a more informed means of dealing with it.

Pali Momi 3/2017

We have learned so much valuable information from you.  I love the way you give us the info without scolding.  You always say its our choice, which is true.  I think that's why my spouse, who was a little upset when I signed up for the class, really enjoys your classes.  He even thanked me for signing us up.  Hopefully, what we learned, will hep him slow down or even stop or improve his CKD.  It would be great if you did classes for our primary care doctors too.

Queens 11/2017

Class was taught at a perfect level, understandable with enough detail and explanation to tell us why (cause and effects) but yet not overwhelming.  Also put things in the perspective of how much time you want to spend in your body.  It's a great way to phrase things - tells us its up to us to do what's good for our goals.

​Queens 11/2017

I came to this class with nothing on my mind, and I'm ending this session with so much knowledge.  I was a happy go lucky girl.  I'm always about just be happy.  But now I know, to be happy and live happy, I must take care of my body, especially my kidneys.  Thank you Dr. Wong for this opportunity to learn about my kidneys and especially my body and health.  I would like to suggest you send out invitations to organizations such as churches and schools to attend your classes.  Dr. Wong has helped me see life differently in a very good way.  That it is very important to know about kidneys and its purpose in your body.

Pali Momi 3/2018

Dr. R Wong is an excellent speaker - very informative and she made it easier for us to understand information about the function of our kidneys and how to protect kidney function.  Dr. Wong is passionate about educating the public.  Everyone will definitely benefit from these classes!  It empowered me with information and confidence to work with my doctors.

Pali Momi 3/2018

I got more than what my doctor noted at my first consultation.  Would like your lecture taped for our future reference/refresher.  It has changed my overall care, nutrition and goals.  Good that lecture provided alternatives, last written instruction for designated caregiver.  Love our instructor.  With there were more lecturers available for CKD patients.  Can't wait to attend CKD support group meeting.  Glad that I attended class.  thank you Ramona!

Pali Momi 3/2018

The first 3 classes should be modified to be included in all diabetes classes.  The deadly consequences of ignoring or rationalizing the first signs of diabetes would hopefully become clearer.  Through these classes and especially the presenter, it becomes clearer that each person has the freedom to choose their actions.  For the first time, I felt free from perception of intimidation by being told what to do.  The speaker acknowledges (on several occasions) that it is our decision for what the future will be and there will be no judgement.  The speaker also acknowledges her own likes and dislikes in the struggle to e healthy.  These classes made it seem more relate-able and seemed built on understanding.  The classes changed my perspectives in that your diagnosis is not final.  There are ways to live life with the disease.  It is a conscious choice by each individual, the path is your choice.

Pali Momi 3/2018

I came to understand what foods I need to eat for CKD.  I'm leaving well equipped to deal with all aspects of the condition.  I feel much more confident about managing my health.  I am also not so fearful about my diagnosis and feel better informed and able to assess the situation.  I especially liked the presentation style - explanation with corresponding slides.  Information provided much new info and was partnered with appropriate extensions, examples and explanation.  Really appreciated the review and clear explanations related to understanding lab results.  The time is jam packed with info and I'm usually brain dead by end of class - in a good way.  Thanks.  You are an excellent presenter.  Thanks for your time and commitment to us and CKD.

Pali Momi 3/2018

I learned far more than what I expected.  Dr. Wong is amazing and a wealth of information.  The classes were very informative.  I feel far more equipped to help my Mom through her ESRD process.  My health, the health of my loved ones, is my/our responsibility and I need to understand and speak up.  This class and Dr. Wong are blessings!!!

Pali Momi 3/2018

Thank you so much for educating so many people who desperately need your help.  For me, after attending Aloha Kidney,  I'm no longer afraid of my future and have the confidence to choose what's best for optimum health.  Mahalo

UHA Wellness Institute 3/2018

I want to thank you for those classes.  Choices class presentations by people who have been working with you prior to our classes was absolutely climactic.  And I was especially appreciative of hearing their experiences.  I thought it was all wonderful.  I appreciate the knowledge enormously.  I look forward to your next series of classes in May.  What an excellent job you do. Many alohas and mahalos!

UHA Wellness Institute 3/2018

Reading materials and lectures made me think differently and gave me the incentive to help myself reach my goal to extend my life.  This class series has chaged  my whole outlook on learning all about CKD.  Your encouragement and persistence in helping me do more for myself is greatly appreciated.  Mahalo!

UHA Wellness Institute 3/2018

Suggestions on how to improve Aloha Kidney?  More handouts, more visuals, expand class time for natural "end of life" option and benefits, add time for more discussion.  Appreciate no glossing over, being specific and  being honest. 

UHA Wellness Institute 3/2018

The classes have changed my perspectives in that now I am trying to sleep well, eat well, exercise and obtain a good attitude.  

UHA Wellness Institute 3/2018

I think the class met all the goals and more.  It was interesting and engaging.  I learned a lot.  I have a better understanding of how the kidneys work and what to do to protect them.  Amazing organs!
You make the class Dr. Wong!  You are so dedicated.  I appreciate your time.  You make this class very special.  I feel that there was so much information to cover and in order to give more time for questions/answers, can it be extended to 3 hours?  I guess I really enjoyed the class, don't mind staying an etra half hour.  Thank you so much!!!
UHA Wellness Institute, 3/2018

Testimonials, comments from our graduates in 2017, early 2018 

Scroll down to read a sampling . . .

​Very comprehensive.  Thank you very much for educating me!  I feel more in control of my longevity now.  I know it's up to me.

Pali Momi 2/2017

Aloha Kidney classes increased my knowledge, gave me encouragement and hope for the future.  Now I can plan for the future and know that my choices today, impact my future.

Pali Momi 2/2017

I gained insight into importance of kidney function and choices in life.  I learned what I need to do to prolong my quality of life.  These classes need to be taught at the high school level.

Castle 2/2017

I never really paid much attention to my kidneys.  I took enough fluids, drank enough water but that was all!  I knew of natural sodium in fruits and veggies but knew nothing about body sodium or blood sodium.  I also learned and became keenly aware that we can love ourselves even with all of our faults.  

Very informative and filled with precious information.  Continue to do these classes to help improve the quality of life for those with CKD.

Recommend Aloha Kidney every 2 years after attending the first series. Recommend primary physicians encourage patients to attend, especially if lab test indicates changes.  

Queens 2/2017

Now I can understand blood test report better.  I can understand the importance of kidney function and will sure keep my eyes on my GFR number.  This is a great informative class series for the general older persons that are interested in maintaining their health.  A very worthwhile health education class series.  More general practice physicians should promote and encourage their patients to attend.  You have been doing a great service to the community.  Thank you.

Queens 2/2017

I got more than I expected out of theses classes.  Learned a lot how kidneys work, and causes of kidney failure.  I am glad that Dr. Na'ai recommended that I attend Aloha Kidney.  There was a lot to digest in the past 6 weeks, and what I learned will help me make good decisions.

​Castle 2/2017

Informative and entertaining presentations.  Dr Wong covered quite a bit of information in a simplified, easy to understand manner.  Now I am more informed, better informed to make lifestyle changes to slow the progression of kidney disease.  Tape your presentations and post on YouTube since schedules conflict sometimes and you have to miss a class.  MDs can also benefit from these classes, get a refresher course or be motivated to refer patients to a specialist who have more in-depth knowledge in this disease sooner than later.  I feel many doctors may be embarrassed to admit their knowledge deficiencies. 

​Pali Momi 3/2017

Everyone, no matter whether they have CKD or not, should take these classes!

Pali Moi 3/2017

Wonderful.  Perfect classes.  Mind blown.  A++*  Beautiful.  Made me realize what is in my food.

Pali Momi 3/2017

More knowledge = less fear, shows path

Pali Momi 3/2017

Sure wish I had attended these classes before my kidneys got unhealthy.  Just want to say Dr. Ramona Wong does a splendid job in these classes.  Only wish these classes could reach more people that don't have CKD.  More preventive.

Pali Momi 3/2017

Classes exceeded my expectations.  You should sell DVDs of the whole program. 

Pali Momi 3/2017

I appreciate the information I learned  It is more than I expected.  I have learned to ask questions.  I am prepared to accept help and I can ask for help.  I hope these classes can be offered ASAP when you find out you have a problem.  I hope you could have funding to further educate everyone. 

Castle 3/2018

Thank you for dedicating your time and resources to educating the public on CKD awareness.  I also believe in the importance of education to improve the health of our community and families.  I really appreciate that this class is offered free and open to the family members of CKD patients. 

Castle 3/2018

I got so much more than I expected.  Would change nothing.  Handouts are clear and concise.  I'm no longer terrified to deal with stage 4 CKD.  I appreciate knowing and understanding my options.  There is no way to improved these classes.  Dr Wong takes a serious disease from the first class to the last, in a comprehensive fashion.  If she ever got tired of being a doctor, she would make an outstanding professor.  Her patience and sense of humor make this disease bearable.  I'm motivated to live my best life on a daily basis.  With the information learned, I am able to  make informed choices and maintain and improve my current condition.

UHA Wellness Institute, 3/2018

These classes made me more aware of my condition and what I could do to improve it  For me, I would like to be able to ask Dr. Wong questions directly.  However, in the outer island classes, we have to have someone type the question and then send it to Dr. Wong.  Not a big thing but it would improve the experience. 

Wilcox Hospital Kaua'i, 3/2018

I don't have CKD.  I was asked to come to classes by a friend.  I thought it would be boring (6 classes, 2.5 hr each).  It wasn't at all boring.  It was informative, and fascinating.  I learned so much!!  I also learned that my health is primarily up to me.  I have now began to exercise regularly and have changed my eating habits to healthy.  I am aware of what I am putting in my body.  I want to do my part in avoiding kidney disease.  Thank you, you are excellent.

UHA Wellness Institute, 3/2018

These classes were really more than I expected.  The most important change these classes have made in my perspectives is to pay attention to what I put in my body.  You also spoke to thinking, not only in medical aspects, but our emotional perspectives.  I'm trying not to feel guilty!  trying to live in the moment!  I really appreciate your taking the time to present this class in such a way that it makes lay people understand.  The class was highly recommended, and you delivered.  Thank you!

UHA Wellness Institute, 3/2018

These classes have changed my outlook on food:  Read food labels/ingredients.  I now understand that even some healthy foods are not good for me  I have an overall awareness of foods and its effects.  Dr. Ramona Wong has been wonderful in sharing this much needed information about CKD.  I wish that I had come to it much earlier as I now understand that there is time to make more informative decisions with options available concerning dialysis.  Mahalo Dr. Wong!

UHA Wellness Institute, 3/2018

I wanted and received answers about what my body is experiencing and options I need to decide.  My perspectives changed by giving me more understanding and awareness of how to help myself.  Also easier to relate to doctors and testing.  I enjoyed the classes and will need to repeat some sessions, not everything I pick up.  Good to know we can come to support group. 

UHA Wellness Institute, 3/2018

Maybe the classes should be 3 hrs instead of 2.5 hr because of the amount of information given, not to feel time is against us.  It's not a boring class that you want it done fast.  I have a better understanding on my medications and how to read my lab reports.  How ther kidneys process food intake and eliminate waste, what to eat and how to control what I eat.  

Diabetic doctors should suggest to their patients to attend your classes because it's very informational about your kidneys and how it affects your body, how diabetes can eventually lead to kidney disease if you don't take care and let it out of control.

UHA Wellness Institute, 3/2018

Having 6 classes provided details that are not often answered by doctors.  Handouts are a good back up.  Natural end of life option for CKD was very beneficial, I thought dialysis was the only option.  Thank you for making into understandable and for interacting with us.  Very enjoyable to listen to you!  I found the 5th class on reading our blood test results most helpful - can now track info and ask specific questions to doctor.  Good feedback on self improvement too.  Thank you for link on nutritional facts for "local foods".

UHA Wellness Institute, 3/2018

My husband use to eat a lot of salty snacks and processed meats.  He has learned through these classes to eat more nutrious foods.  I also learned how he can make better choices for himself.  Very informative, explanation was very good.  We apreciated your helpful classes. Mahalo

UHA Wellness Institute, 3/2018

Dear Dr Wong I attended the most recent class with my husband. I just want to say thank you for helping to make a challenging situation such as kidney disease, easier to deal with. I now have a clear understanding of what I need to do to stay as healthy as possible. I really appreciated the energy and positiveness you brought to the class. You do a lot of good for many people and you are appreciated. Kind regards.

UHA Wellness Institute, 3/2018

​Aloha Kidney

CKD Navigation - by experienced MD for:

  • Patients
  • Doctors
  • MD office staff
  • Hospital discharge planners
  • Dialysis units