Kidney Disease           Education if:

- Chronic kidney disease (CKD), or

- Excess urine protein, or

- Want to prevent CKD, or

- At risk for CKD due to obesity, diabetes, high BP, prior heart attack, stroke, PAD, prior acute kidney injury, stones,          family with CKD, etc



Our credentials

All Aloha Kidney classes and telephonic CKD navigation are provided by a retired kidney specialist (nephrologist). 

CKD Navigation - by experienced MD for:

  • Patients
  • Doctors
  • MD office staff
  • Hospital discharge planners
  • Dialysis units

Excellent classes!!  I didn't know what to expect but it was so informative.  Have more classes!  I learned to be more aware of our body, and how life is so precious, how to live every day, how to be more appreciative.  Ramona was awesome.  I could just go on listening to her.

Pali Momi 2/2019

I learned the meaning of a lot of medical terminology which my doctor uses.  Now I can discuss with my doctor.  Good.  Well done Dr. Ramona.  God bless!

Pali Momi 2/2019

Gave me a breater understanding of what to expect and how to delay kidney failure through change of dietary habits and physical exercise.  Ramona deserves a 5 star rating.  Excellent.

Pali Momi 2/2019

It's a very good class, I wouldn't change a thing.  All the materials received are well informed and I wil continue to read the material again often.  I thank Ramona for her time and she's a very good instructor.  Her personality is outstanding and she is very knowledgeable!!  

Pali Momi 2/2019

All medical doctors should take the classes so they can inform their patients to make choices to protect their kidneys.  Thank you Dr Wong!! Your presentation was so important and informative - time went so quickly!!

Pali Momi 2/2019

Classes helped change my perspectives.  I began eating a healthy diet, more greens, less sodium.  Dr. Wong is a tremendous instructor!  Good delivery and presentation.  She is doing a great service for people like me with kidney disease in the family.  Thanks Doc Wong.

Pali Momi 2/2019

I didn't know what to expect so I was very impressed with the class and Dr. Wong.  I am more comfortable now with what's ahead for me because now I understand what it's all about.  I was very stressed at first, but after these classes, my stress leel isn't so bad.  Understanding my illness really helped.  Thank you!

HMSA Conference Rm 2/2019

I got more than I expected out of these classes.  Now to follow all the beneficial tips. . . Ramona Wong, you went above and beyond!  Your knowledge and life styles glow!  We all get it!  You're just awesome.  Thank you for all that you do.  God Bless!!

HMSA Converence Rm 2/2019

I'm now more aware of the fact that I am responsible for keeping the body healthy.  So, the info will help me in controlling my diabetes.  I found this workshop most helpful and simply explained.  Thank you very much.

HMSA Conference Rm 2/2019

These classes made me more aware of what I eat and how to handle situations.  Also, beter understanding of what my doctor tried to show me.  Before this class, I had very little knowledge of Chronic Kidney Disease and all the acronyms used in the data . . . especially GFR.  As a whole, the class was well taught by Ramona Wong. 

HMSA Conference Rm 2/2019

Excellent course.  Very educational.  Gave me the tools I need to live a full life.  Mahalo for you and this course.  You've been super helpful to this process of learning about CKD.  We are truly lucky to have you.  Thank you again for your generous gift of your experience, education and hope.

HMSA Conference Rm 2/2019

Everything was fine, even venue was good.  I'm more confident after classes in my perspectives.  Some of the middle section is hard to retain but it was all interesting.  Speakers were excellent.  

HMSA Conference Rm 2/2019.  

Very informative.  I learned how to set my goals.  Able to understand, improved knowing how to deal with kidney problem.  Recommend everybody to join this class.  Excellent job!

HMSA Conference Rm 2/2019

These classes have made me acutely aware of how much you can damage your kidneys and strong consideration of what you eat, lifeshyle choices can help your kidney health.  Would have liked a dietitian to give us food groups that would enhance kidney function.  Lecture on different types of dialysis was excellent.  Overall, excellent class!!  Thank you, and I think I will attend another series.  

HMSA Conf Rm 2/2019

I got much more than I expected.  I will now consider getting on a transplant list. 

HMSA Conf Rm 2/2019

I learned a lot about CKD and kidney care.  I have become more aware of the choices I make for healthy kidneys.  I've cut back on salty foods.  This is such a valuable resource for people with CKD as well as their families.  I hope it will continue to be available to those who can truly benefit from the knowledge you so freely share.  Thank you!

HMSA Conf Rm 2/2019

Great handouts - covers absolutely everything in class.  Now I know that I can slow the disease by changes I make.  Easy to understand classes, thank you!

HMSA Conf Rm 2/2019

I have more knowledge of the choices one has for quality of life from a better understanding of my situation and data.  Very informative.  Breaks down terminology so participants can understand.  Good experience and grateful to attend these sesons. 

HMSA Conf Rm 2/2019

Excellent classes.  Better knowledgeable to love my husband, children and grandchildren.  

Gosh!  Thank you for loving us - our community!  You are a blessing!

HMSA Conf Rm 2/2019

I learned to work on a balance, healthy lifestyle.  Covers all CKD bases - comprehensive - causes of kidney failure, concentrated on high blood pressure management, diabetes, how the kidney works, lab work, options of dialysis, transplant and natujral life.  Everything was appropriate.  Focused on working with nephrologist and team, be involved and responsible for caring.  I liked the information on dialysis access.  I need to communicate with significant other and loved ones.  

HMSA Conf Rm 2/2019

Better class series than I thought it would be.  Great speaker!!! Most enjoyable way to learn!  Strongly wish I was aware of this education 30+ years ago.  Wow, hard to suggest how to improve anything with Aloha Kidney.  Videos would be great.  Good if more people could/would attend.  I have recommended to several of my doctors. 

Castle Wellness Center 2/2019

Very informative classes!  I learned how important it is to keep yourself healthy by keeping weight down, BP, diet, GFR, sodium, etc.  Pro and con helps to choose right path for me.  I was here to support my Mom.  This class has helped me to educate her on the lessons we learned.  Thank you for having us. 

Castle Wellness Center 2/2019

I have a better idea of the different stages of CKD.  I can now try to do a better job of staying away from excess salt/sugar.  Making little changes early in eating habits goes a long way in kidney health, but its never too late to make changes.  I like the way the classes were broken down to make it easier to understand, even though the kidney functions and how it works with the body is very complex.  Trying to remember everything can be overwhelming.  Not sure if an overall chart may help?

Castle Wellness Center 2/2019

Testimonials, comments from our graduates in 2019

Scroll down to read a sampling . . .

You'll get the idea so we stopped adding more.

​Aloha Kidney