- Chronic kidney disease (CKD), or
- Excess urine protein, or
- Want to prevent CKD, or
- At risk for CKD due to obesity, diabetes, high BP, prior heart attack, stroke, PAD, prior acute kidney injury, stones, family with CKD, etc
All Aloha Kidney classes and telephonic CKD navigation are provided by a retired kidney specialist (nephrologist).
Aloha Kidney helped me understand my situation and what my doctors and dietitian have been doing. I should have attended these classes earlier. I have stage IV CKD and GFR of 20. Patients need to be aware or told to come to this class at an earlier stage. Overall, I think this class was excellent and I would recommend to all..
Pearlridge 9/2014
I would not change anything. Got more information than expected. I am amazed at the inter-relationship of everything to maintain good health.
Castle 10/2015
The Aloha Kidney classes are a beautiful gift to the community. Those who attend the classes are given the information to improve their own lives, the opportunity to improve the quality of their lives.
Castle 10/2015
All 6 days were very informative. I wouldn't change anything that's been taught. Lots of information. I need to let it sink in, review the handouts to slowly remember some things. Dr. Ramona Wong is doing a great job along with her team!
Pearlridge 10/2015
Ke Ola Hou o Lana'i
Thank you for hosting the Aloha Kidney classes for Lana'i residents. You provided for all of us so well at each session. I learned so much about all the aspects of CKD that will surely help me to help my sister cope and deal with her CKD and live a longer more enjoyable life. The knowledge and information learned from Dr. Wong is priceless.
Lana'i 10/2015
The classes exceeded my expectations. The class is long but it is a balance between more time or less depth. It reinforced the class on diabetes so now I can see the relationship between diabetes and kidneys.
Castle 12/2014
I learned that I was continuing to eat, do, work, act and think the way I did because I still felt okay, without thinking about what it was doing to my body. I may need to repeat these classes as my learning curve was steep. These classes were way beyond my expectations. Thank you for helping all of us. You are truly a very special person . . . an informed and skilled doctor, an effective teacher who communicates clearly and lastly a caring friend to all of us. Mahalo.
Queens 5/2016
Aloha Kidney class is definitely an eye opener. I had no idea what Chronic Kidney Disease does or the impact it has on my body. These 6 sessions is the best thing that CKD has given me. You have provided me with an overwhelming amount of information in a well thought out manner. You mixed the good, bad and the ugly with humor. And gave me the knowledge so I can survive better with CKD, and whatever it brings. Thank you for your caring attitude and a huge amount of knowledge presented succinctly.
Castle 5/2016
Only suggestion is that the Aloha Kidney classes should be publicized more. Many of our friends are unaware of its availability.
Queens 5/2016
Feels good to be able to participate in your own care, since attending these classes.
Queens 5/2016
Would be helpful if doctors recommended these classes when patients are obese, prediabetic or newly diagnosed diabetic, or with high blood pressure, before they get CKD.
Queens 5/2016
I didn't think I needed to come and declined initially but my daughters insisted and I'm glad I came. My numbers have improved already. I learned that the quality of my life is up to me and I am responsible for my choices. Nice place, speaker is great, date and time is very convenient.
Queens 5/2016
These classes have changed my perspective. It made me think that I want to live now. You gave me hope. Now I want to live!!
Castle 5/2016
CKD can be managed or many times prevented. I did not know this before taking the classes. I wish the classes could be made available to more people!
Castle 5/2016
Thank you for having these classes. It has been extremely helpful getting the basics of understanding kidney disease. I would like to periodically attend future sessions to reinforce and validate the information I gained and to brush up on areas I may have forgotten over time.
Castle 5/2016
I got much more than I expected from these classes. I'm changing my eating habits, I have a goal BMI, I'm choosing to live for my family. Very sobering wake up call since no symptoms to CKD. Hope to slow CKD given thorough understanding. Now I know about CKD, what it is, how it affects us, what to do now, how to plan for the future, all my options. Thank you very much Dr. Wong for helping me and my kids, to realize that I could have a cardiovascular event since I have CKD, so to spend time now with my kids, while I can. Thanks for your enthusiasm in teaching and answering all my questions!
Castle 5/2016
I have to admit that when I first found out that I needed to accompany my husband, I was not happy and complained a lot. But I have learned so much and the information is fascinating and pertinent to our needs and you are a great teacher. After the first class, I looked forward to the rest. Thank you so much for these classes.
Castle 5/2016
Wonderful! You covered so much, we learned a lot. Your classes have helped us to understand CKD as well as how to take care of CKD. All of your classes have helped us to plan and accept CKD. We truly appreciate your generous time and dedication to educate everyone about CKD. Please keep us informed if there are any new classes or workshops.
Pali Momi 5/2016
I came to these classes knowing nothing about CKD. The class was very educational and realistic approach to CKD. I've learned to some degree I am in control of my health by choices I make about diet, exercise, stress free lifestyle and most important knowing my numbers.
Queens 11/2016
I came to these classes because my wife said I had to go, she has stage 3 CKD. I didn't know what to expect, but I wouldn't change a thing. You did such a great presentation. I didn't know that a poor diet can really mess up your body. Now I'm looking at eating differently myself. You're fun to listen to. I would recommend these classes to anyone.
Queens 11/2016
The classes have empowered me to be proactive and less anxious. The sessions provided comprehensive information with timely commentary and anecdotal examples - all presented with empathy, compassion and humor.
Queens 11/2016
I got a lot of information from these classes. Actually came with a friend but didn't think I needed the class. So happy I came. It let me see that I can be proactive in my health and make decisions that nudge me towards good health.
Queens 11/2016
I got much more than I could ever expect from these classes. The education and knowledge now allows me to choose what actions to take, especially with food. I can choose to stay away from less healthy processed, salty and other foods pushed by the food industry. We need more of these educational classes. CKD is/can be absolutely devastating I will try my hardest to mitigate any possibility of CKD in my future.
I believe more emphasis on the food industry's profit motive is important. I loved what was mentioned in class and felt you had much more to say about this???? Our regulatory agencies are sometimes run by those in the industry whose main objective is profitability/stock value rather than consumer/public health.
Pali Momi 11/2016
I got much much more than I expected from these classes. Before I thought I had to limit everything!!! What was there to eat? Very very helpful. Wish I came to the class at an earlier stage.
I was very pleased with this class series. Ramona is excellent!! Thinking of our comfort and making sure we are listening and understanding what she is teaching. I wish she could be my kidney doctor. She makes you feel comfortable to ask or say how you are really feeling. I think this class is very helpful and informational. Love that class was free! It also made my husband start looking at ingredients and nutritional contents!!
Pali Momi 11/2016
Kidneys are organs that are not getting enough public attention.
Pali Momi 11/2016
Now I know what the kidney does and what CKD is. Knowing what to expect gives me a peace of mind. The classes made me realize how important kidney function is. The classes are very informative. They are also quite engaging. I did not get sleepy at all.
Pali Momi 11/2016
I learned there's a lot that only I can do to protect the remainder of my kidney function that still works . . . help them last longer.
Pali Momi 11/2016
I want a little more in depth conversation on the food section. Although we were advised to see a dietitian to develop an individualized plan, I would want more of a doctor's perspective, so basically more information from your perspective. This was a great series of classes. It seems that there should be a second level course for many of us that will want more information, maybe a series just focused on food, especially for the caregivers?
Pali Momi 11/2016
I enjoyed all your classes. Please continue to help people with your Aloha Kidney classes. I wish we had classes such as yours 20 years ago. Thank you very much for your hard work in developing this program. Much aloha.
Pali Momi 11/2016
I learned it is my choice and responsibility to discuss with my doctor, where my health concerns are and how to protect my kidney function. I appreciate your explanations in a "layman's" language. It can be overwhelming to sometimes be told about a possible health condition that can be deteriorating my overall quality of life and yet not understand fully what my doctor is saying. .
Pali Momi 11/2016
Classes are informative and concise. I would increase the number or length of classes. Knowing how foods/snacks can affect my being has tremendously changed my perspectives. I'm going to come to these classes again. There is so much to absorb. I think teaching people should begin as early as possible. Thank you, Ramona Wong, for your concern.
Pali Momi 11/2016
You are a natural born teacher. You never preach, you truly teach! Your self-deprecating humor, your easy stage presence, your alluding to your Chinese nature, your use/reference to local customs invite your audience to participate actively in your classes. We are drawn in to discussions. You make us feel that no questions we may ask is "stupid". You constantly stress that the information you are dispensing is general in nature and that we need to discuss our concerns with our own doctors since every individual is different and his/her health concerns are specific to him/her. We DO need to be responsible to take actions necessary to do what is best for ourselves and our health! These classes are well named. Aloha means LOVE. You exemplify that emotion. You are motivated to share your knowledge with us all. You are doing more good through these classes, touching more lives by providing knowledge so many more people, so we can help ourselves everyday, than you did as a practicing nephrologist. You truly love us, and we really appreciate you and LOVE you, Dr. Ramona Wong!
Queens 11/2016
I am more conscious of what I eat since attending these classes, asking as you suggest "is it worth it?', and make a decision before I eat it. I love the way you present your information - honesty and with a sense of humor.
Queens 11/2016
The information provided was valuable in understanding CKD and the choices available. My outlook on life has changed from negative to positive after attending your classes and made me aware of the daily choices that could improve one's life. The classes have given me confidence in asking questions of the doctor, who has not been too receptive to patient queries. Class handouts have been extremely helpful as reference and guides in understanding CKD. It would be helpful if some of the material could be highlighted in pamphlets and distributed to all CKD patients when they initially visit the doctor instead of after GFR has reached critical levels. Thank you very much for the time spent developing the handouts and the weekly informative and motivational presentations.
Queens 11/2016
Best class I've ever taken. Information is invalueable, handouts were excellent, slides were clear, excellent presentations. Before class I had a negative bias about dialysis. The material and content of the class has enabled me to help support my husband in his decision related to kidney failure.
Honolulu 9/2014
What surprised me is that you made it so interesting and rewarding for all of us present.
Castle 12/2014
Aloha Kidney helped me realize how my body works and the important functioning of the kidneys and other organs. It made me want to take better care of my body through better diet choices, exercise, following up with my doctors, and looking at life with greater appreciation of what I have. I really enjoyed class #6 with the former kidney patients! Very informative and educational.
Pali Momi 5/2016
Dr. Wong has been very informative about everything to do with kidneys. She has made it easier to understand Chronic Kidney Disease. I was a little stressed but now I am able to choose what ways to go through, whether dialysis, transplant or end of life. For me, a lot of the classes I knew about - diet, medications, blood tests. However, the discussion about the kidneys, function, how it affects the body was very meaningful. So now, I will watch what I eat, my meds and how it affects my kidneys and overall, take better care of myself. The classes are good for people that do not know anything, about the kidneys and how everything matters: your body, diet, emotions, medication, exercise, and accepting end of life situations.
Pali Momi 5/2016
I learned that portion size is important. Ingredients is important.
Pali Momi 5/2016
The most important for me was the question "how long do you want to live?" Good question. Got me thinking. . . . .
Excellent presentations. I learned a lot. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. This class made me think - how long I want to live; and also when I should retire and maybe enjoy life more.
Pali Momi 5/2016
It taught me how our lifestyle eventually affects our health. If we take care of ourselves in youth, we may not have as many problems later in life.
Pali Momi 5/2016
As a caregiver to my brother, I learned a very important word in this class: "Choice". It took away a lot of guilt and pressure I felt in the responsibility of care giving. Another is being prepared for what you want to do when your GFR is at 20. Dr. Wong, your humor is infectious. It makes our time spent with chuckles here and there - LOVE IT - makes the time go by quickly.
Pali Momi 5/2016
Thank you for sharing with the class your wisdom, knowledge and experience so that I can make informed choices to better my health, to care and protect my kidney. For me the greatest thing I have gained through these classes is the revelation and understanding that the choices I make will ensure and affect the type of care I receive from my doctors or any medical professionals who are involved with my care.
Queens 8/2016
Being that I came as support for my brother, surprisingly I found myself learning some things which I was not aware about, that I was able to connect to other types of health conditions I was aware of. This was an informative class, which I was happy about, for this is something that I feel everyone who has this condition would benefit from learning. I believe the information shared can only benefit those fortunate enough to be at the classes. Thank you very much for everything
Queens 8/2016
The information on kidney disease prevention and managing kidney disease was more than I'd expected. Moreover, Dr. Wong's presentation of the information was easy to understand despite the complex nature of the disease, as if she were having a conversation with the attendees. I'm not a morning person and did not nod off at any time during the classes.
I really appreciated that Dr. Wong touched on things like how to communicate with your doctor and the importance of that communication. I would without a doubt, recommend these classes to anyone interested.
Queens 8/2016
The emphasis on thinking about what you want to get out of this life in the time you have left had a great impact. The idea of "mindful" eating had great impact.
Pali Momi 8/2016
Thank you for doing this class. It will help us live our life differently and make much better choices. You make it understandable and non-judgmental which makes me want to change my life. It's workable. We are grateful.
Pali Momi 8/2016
I basically came to these classes to accompany my husband. So glad I did. I have had RA for the past 15 years and through these classes I've learned that concerning my own health, everything is doable, sometimes even fixable. Much better outlook in life. Mahalo. "Celebrate successes"
Castle 8/2016
I wish I had known many of the things I've learned in this class. This class would be beneficial for all retirees and seniors before they reach CKD.
Castle 8/2016
I think these classes have covered everything I need to know regarding my kidney in the 6 classes. I understand more on how to read my blood test printout. Dr. Wong did an excellent job with humor, class hand outs, explaining topics thoroughly. I must thank my doctor for suggesting that I attend this class. Would recommend this class to everyone.
Castle 8/2016
I got a reality check hearing stories shared by patients, comments and questions from others in class. These classes gave me a purpose to take better care of myself and improve my heath by making wise choices.
Queens 11/2016
Didn't really know what to expect, I took these classes to better understand CKD for my husband who just found out recently he has CKD stage 3. I wouldn't change anything about these classes. Dr. Wong, you are great! This helped me to learn what CKD is and the different stages. I thought I was coming here just to learn for my husband, but I actually learned how important it is to take care of your kidneys before you get CKD. I am blessed to be able to attend this class and learn from you.
Pali Momi 11/2016
Although my husband had a kidney transplant, I learned many new things that the doctors didn't have time to explain. I thought kidney failure was all due to diabetes and high blood pressure, but there are many additional factors that can lead to kidneys failing. I thoroughly enjoyed all 6 classes. Your sense of humor made it more enjoyable. Ther interpretation of lab reports was helpful. Doctors don't have time to explain in detail so your explanations were good. Keep up the good work!
Pali Momi 11/2016
I learned that my lifestyle determines how long my health . . . and taken seriously, my whole body can enjoy living.
Pali Momi 11/2016
I didn't realize what CKD was, or how what we eat affects us. Although I don't have CKD, I started to have diabetes and am trying to eat better, now that I'm aware bad intake can cause a lot of ailments. Great teacher and doctor. I'm glad I was able to attend. Great class, so informative. If I ever get CKD, I wish I would have you as a doctor. Keep it up and educate more people!
Castle 11/2016
This was a very thorough and informative 6 weeks. My perspective changed knowing having CKD "is not a death sentence". I can still enjoy life by making a few changes. I will keep reading all the handouts to keep me on the right path. Now the results of my blood work is easier to understand.
Queens 11/2016
Learning more about taking the natural path when you don't have the need to live longer was helpful.
Castle 11/2016
I didn't realize the classes would be so comprehensive. It certainly covered everything you need to know (and more) about CKD. I never realized what an important part kidneys play in our well being. Must be pro-active in damage control. No more kim chee, pizza, potato chips for me!!
You are doing such a great job in teaching all CKD patients all there is to know about CKD. I thoroughly enjoyed all classes. Your sense of humor and wit made it a joy to learn all there is to know about CKD. Excellent job!
Castle 11/2016
I enjoyed every session and learned enough to have a meaningful conversation with my doctor. I was one of those that advocated living at all costs. My perspective on how to live the balance of my life has changed because of these classes. I'm 74 and want to live a good life, as well as a reasonably long one.
The classes I enjoyed and had the most interest in was about living a good life and acknowledging the fact that we will all die. Many of our friends and relatives strongly advocate staying alive as long as possible. However, as you say, knowing what your goals are for the time you have left is just as important. Then the two values need to be in balance for you. Perhaps a more focused and longer conversation on this topic should be developed into the classes. Thank you for an informative and enjoyable time. Your presentations made the 2.5 hrs fly by. Mahalo!
Castle 11/2016
Now I know I should think about my choices ahead of time so I can prepare for the future. Thank you for the classes! Maybe advertise about the class more so more patients and their families can attend to learn earlier. The course throughout was great!
Castle 11/2016
Very interesting classes! Very knowledgeable teacher! Began making lifestyle changes with doctor and nutritionist. Thank you very much!
Castle 11/2016
I gained the knowledge I needed about CKD to understand how my every day choices impact the future of my kidneys. Definitely changed my perspective. Pending dialysis seemed like a death sentence but with knowledge, we're no longer in the dark. We have the power to extend our lives with CKD and the knowledge of what will make it worse. But as you say sometimes that immediate gratification is worth it. Queens 11/2016
These classes have absolutely changed my perspectives, helped incredibly with my knowledge of how important my daily care is. I want to thank you so much for the classes. You have certainly helped to make me aware of how important and impactful the proper care of persons with kidney cisease is. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Queens 11/2016
More doctors and insurance companies should let their patients know about Aloha Kidney classes! I have learned how to be PROACTIVE! I wish my husband and I knew what we have learned earlier so that we could have prevented or at least forestalled his CKD.
This is my first health education class, and it was what I expected and more. Having Dr. Wong and my family helped me understand the risks of CKD. Being a diabetic, taking these classes opened my eyes and made me realize the changes I need to do to live a long healthy life.
Queens 11/2016
We learned a lot about how to take care of our overall health, not just about our kidneys. Your classes were so informative and your presentations were just great! The 2-2.5 hour sessions just flew by.
Pealridge 12/2014
Dr. Wong is caring, funny and yet doesn't flinch at the hard parts - nothing! This class helped me understand my lab tests. There is more hope in my understanding. I feel armed to face the future. It motivated me to exercise more. Made me more aware of food labels.
Wow, this is so good now. I just wish I knew about this class when we first got the diagnosis - i think It would have lowered my anxiety.
Castle 3/2016
My only comment is to continue to teach the classes the way you do now - explaining everything in layman's terms that everyone can understand. Oftentimes when your doctor explains things, it's in a foreign language (medical terminology) and he/she is pressed for time so the patient abstains from asking questions.
Pali Momi 3/2016
Classes gave me info on making smart food choices, exercising more plus how and what to talk about with my physicians.
Castle 11/2015
It was a very informative and realistic presentation. Allowed me to see the choices to consider in my future health decisions. Again, good to see some of the difficult but realistic decisions we might have to consider.
Castle 10/2015